

Získání dodatečných informací o škole Leonardo da Vinci: K získání brožurky o naší škole vyplňte, prosím, tento formulář a na konci stránky kliknĕte na "informace na požádání"

Nezapomeňte uvést vaše Telephonení číslo, e-mail, abychom Vás mohli kontaktovat v případĕ dalších informací.

Dĕkujeme za Váš zájem o naše školy Leonardo da Vinci!

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Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

Please tell us how big is your company.

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Please tell us how big is your company.

(A1/A2... = úroveň znalosti jazyka podle hodnotícího měřítka EU)

Please tell us how big is your company.

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Please type your full name.

Please type your full name.

Please type your full name.

Please type your full name.

Please tell us how big is your company.

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Consent in accordance with Article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The person concerned, having received the information furnished by the data processing owner in accordance with Article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), hereby consents to the processing of his/her personal data for the purposes indicated in the aforesaid informative note. He/she also consents to the communication of his/her personal data for the purposes and to the subjects indicated in the informative note.


Škola vám na požádání poskytne všechny potřebné informace online, odpovíme na vaše dotazy a můžeme vám zaslat také naší brožuru. 

  • Telefonické informace : +39 055 290305

Spojte se s námi

Najdete nás také na sociálních sítích. Sledujte nás a zůstaňte s námi v kontaktu.  


Scuola Leonardo da Vinci has won the ST Star Awards as best Italian Language School in Italy