
Scuola Leonardo da Vinci ® - Italienisch-Sprachschule

Scuola Leonardo da Vinci ® - Italienisch-Sprachschule

Italienisch lernen in Florenz, Mailand, Rom, Turin und Viareggio.
Offiziell anerkannt vom Italienischen Kultusministerium.

Scuola Leonardo da Vinci ®

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Our Programs

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Toddler(1.5-3 years)

I do suggestion turning everything upside down and to make a flop of your ad take wrong advice. I do suggestion turning everything upside down and to make take wrong advice.
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Kindergarten(3-4 years)

I do suggestion turning everything upside down and to make a flop of your ad take wrong advice. I do suggestion turning everything upside down and to make take wrong advice.
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Preschool(2-3 years)

I do suggestion turning everything upside down and to make a flop of your ad take wrong advice. I do suggestion turning everything upside down and to make take wrong advice.
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This image for Image Layouts addon

Pre-K Program(4-5 years)

I do suggestion turning everything upside down and to make a flop of your ad take wrong advice. I do suggestion turning everything upside down and to make take wrong advice.
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Doppelsieg für Scuola Leonardo da Vinci: “ST Star Awards Sprachschule Italienisch” 2022