
Scuola Leonardo da Vinci - Scuola di lingua italiana in Italia

Italian language school "Scuola Leonardo da Vinci ®"

Learn Italian in Florence, Milan, Rome, Turin and Viareggio
Officially authorized by the Italian Ministry of Education

Scuola Leonardo da Vinci ®

The course aims to introduce students to the world of fashion. During the course, students will plan their own personal fashion collections, taking inspiration from art, history, various cultures, and present and past events. Students will then apply the studied materials to planning their personal portfolios. Students will also study the flux of fashion trends and tendencies.


TYPE OF COURSEDuration (weeks)Standard Art CoursesSemi-intensive Art CourseIntensive Art Course
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Painting and Drawing, Painting with ancient techniques, Painting with contemporary techniques, Sculpture, Fashion Design, Fresco and Mosaic, Watercolor, Sculpture, Printing techniques, and Visual Arts. 2 € 410 € 560 € 985
3 € 540 € 735 € 1.285
4 € 630 € 875 € 1.590
5 € 770 € 1.070 € 1.950
6 € 910 € 1.260 € 2.300
7 € 1.040 € 1.450 € 2.630
8 € 1.170 € 1.630 € 2.950
9 € 1.310 € 1.820 € 3.320
10 € 1.450 € 2.020 € 3.670
Short Description
  • Standard Art Courses: 6 hours per week, 2 days per week;
  • Semi-Intensive Art Courses: 10 hours per week, 3 days per week;
  • Intensive Art Courses: 20 hours per week, 5 days per week.
    * DRAWING AND PAINTING (Basic, Semi-Intensive, Intensive)
    * PAINTING WITH ANCIENT TECHNIQUES (Basic, Semi-intensive, Intensive)
    * PAINTING WITH CONTEMPORARY TECHNIQUES (Basic, Semi-Intensive, Intensive)
    * WATERCOLOR (basic, semi-intensive, intensive)
    * SCULPTURE (Basic, Semi-intensive, Intensive)
    * FRESCO (Basic, Semi-intensive)
    * PRINTING TECHNIQUES (Basic, Semi-intensive)
    * FASHION DESIGN (Basic, Semi-Intensive)
    * VISUAL ARTS (Intensive)
    * POTTERY (Basic, Semi-intensive)
  • Each lesson has a duration of 60 minutes.
  • Minimum duration 2 weeks except intensive courses; all courses can be extended.
  • Course material is not included in the above prices. On the first day of class, the teacher will provide students with a list of materials to buy and a discount card at the art shop near the school.
  • Min. 1 participant.
  • Course center: Florence.
  • A €70 enrollment fee valid for 12 months must be paid for any enrollment.


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  • Information center: +39 055 290305

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Scuola Leonardo da Vinci has won the ST Star Awards as best Italian Language School in Italy